Research location


Our interdisciplinary team is working on further developing the field of cognitive energy economics. The current K-ES team:

Andre Baier

project lead
Real-time data analysis and forecasting of energy data

AI in energy economics enables a more affordable and cleaner energy supply.“

Dr. Alexander Scheidler

coordinator for cognitive power grids
Applying current methods of artificial intelligence to the energy system

AI is better at playing ‘Go’ than humans – why not plan and operate power grids as well?“

Dr. Ron Brandl

coordinator for cognitive energy system technology
Application of electronic power and drive technology technologies

AI in energy system technology is more than just big data!“

Kai Lehnert

project coordinator
Digital transformation of organizations

AI means working with tomorrow’s methods today.“

Dr. Christoph Scholz

lead scientist,
coordinator for cognitive energy economics
Applying current methods of artificial intelligence to the energy system

In order to establish deep learning in the energy system, we need to make neural grid decisions comprehensible.“

Dr. Tanja Kneiske

strategic support and networking
Power grid simulations, data processing, data quality, open data

„We live in a world of data. The energy industry can choose to ignore it or to take advantage of it for innovation.“ (based on J. Lyseggen)

“Thanks to the special training infrastructure, the respective hardware and software as well as an extensive scope of existing models and data, we are able to conduct efficient research in AI for the energy system across locations.”

Dr. Christoph Scholz, lead scientist